Monday, June 22, 2009

of college towns and amateur photography.

I love college towns. At least, I love the ones I've visited. I live just outside of Bowling Green, Ohio, which has always struck me as being a funny little town (it's the home of the regionally populous Bowling Green State University). The downtown is gorgeous- art deco and gothic architecture everywhere, a thriving arts scene, unique shops, etc. But it's surrounded by flat farmland and dull machinery once you're past the campus borders. Flat, flat, flat... and yet the downtown is so striking and energetic. Strange.

Anyhow, I'm going to rummage through the different lighting and shadows of the town tomorrow on a shooting outing with one of my best friends, who kindly agreed to allow me to test my amateur photography skills on her good looks. We'll see if my results mar her natural beauty or not... hopefully a few will turn out.

I love pink. And jewelry, though I don't wear much that often.

And roses (how cliché).

I feel as if I should say something edifying and spiritually mature, but I lack the words and the depth that I know should exist. To be honest, lately I've felt so dry and emotionless... and that's not how God needs me to feel and exist. So I'll try harder and pray harder and seek harder. I know He's waiting for me to discover some important truth. Many exist; I just need to grasp them.

Maybe writing some music will help. Hmm. I think I'll try that.

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